Instructions for Online Auction Transfers
If you live in our local area and you bid for a firearm at an
online auction. We can do Firearms transfers for you.
The Fee is $20.00 per firearm.
You will need to get a copy of My FFL to send to the seller.
I can mail one to you or you can come by the shop to pick
one up or Click Here to get the PDF file then print it out
and fax it to your dealer. Note some dealers may not
accept a Faxed one. If Not you can request a hard copy
via email on the contact us page.
To view PDF files, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader
which is available for free from Adobe
You will also need to email or send me a copy of your
winning auction letter or contact infomation.
When you mail my FFL to the seller you should include a
copy of the auction letter and cover letter instructing the
seller to ship it to my address which is on the FFL.
You will also want to include the sellers required payment
When the gun arrives at my shop I will call you to set up
an appointment to do the transfer.
When you arrive at the shop, I will have you fill out the
required paperwork and do a NICS back ground check.
If NICS tells me to proceed then you take the firearm with
If NICS Puts you on hold, I will call you when you can pick
up your firearm.
If NICS denies you, I have to hold the gun until you
appeal or I can put it up for auction for a fee and get the
money to you.
NICS will deny you if you are a felon, Protective order
against you, Mental patient.
That's it.